Cerakote Upgrade Service

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Cerakote, a specialized coating comprising polymer-ceramic compounds, can be applied to various materials such as wood, polymers, metals, and plastics. This coating enhances the durability and physical attributes of firearms, particularly by improving wear and tear over time.

Customers can access our Cerakote Upgrade Service right at the point of purchase, enjoying special pricing since disassembly and cleaning are unnecessary. This service empowers customers to choose their preferred Cerakote color for refinishing their Weapon, Receiver Set, or Builders Set, with options limited to Single Stage colors.

Standard Colors:

Magpul Flat Dark Earth  H-267

Magpul OD Green  H-232

Titanium  H-170

Storm Trooper White  H-297

Sniper Grey  H-234

Lemon Zest H-354

Pink Sherbet H-328